Welcome to the Website & Home Page of The Friends of Spital Cemetery
This page is the main gateway to all things related to Spital Cemetery
This site contains the known information of the earthly remains of those people in our care
This site also contains informational, educational and entertainment items relative to who we are and what we do
TFOSC email: thefriendsofspitalcemetery@gmail.com
The Friends of Spital Cemetery, is a voluntary group, dedicated to the preservation, conservation and restoration of this fine Victorian Garden Cemetery, for the public benefit, and to explore how it can best serve the local community, to ensure it remains extant, for future generations to enjoy and appreciate..
We have produced a FREE-TO-USE, online, fully searchable DataBase of the known inhabitants of Spital Cemetery - see inside... it's easy to use.
We are researching the stories of the people buried here - this is not a small task and will take many, many years to complete - if ever... see our stories and facts pages.
We are tasked with promoting the cemetery as a peaceful refuge for people and as a haven for wildlife - see our information pages... and come and sit and contemplate awhile for contemplative experience.
We are also tasked with raising any necessary funds to make it possible for us to continue this outstandingly satisfying work. Of course money isn't everything... but we do need it's help from time to time.
We also have a members only area where stories, photographs and other little known facts and details abound. Join us today to obtain access.
The Friends of Spital Cemetery actively, organise tours for people interested in the history and legacy of the cemetery... for like minded people.
Oh yes we do... come and have a look at our upcoming events calendar of outdoor delights.
A few of our activities include - but are not limited to:
Researching the stories of the people buried here - this includes the late, the great, and the famous people of Chesterfield - and, also, some of the saddest of our internees... see the stories by our very own Andy Miles.
We also look after the surroundings of the monuments, which give the graveyard its over-arching unique character. And we are, at the moment, engaged in a heavy restoration project. When all said and done... we can't let Mother Nature have it all Her own way, but we are keen to encourage local wildlife and native plants.'
And, organising a programme of walks, and talks, and producing trail leaflets and information boards, to increase public awareness of the historical significance of Spital Cemetery - see more on our information pages and come on one of our walks and talks.